INDICO is a research project on the history and anthropology of indigenous archival practices in the Portuguese colonial empire in Africa and Asia, from the 1500s to the twentieth-century. It asks how and why certain African and Asian communities recorded, kept, and circulated paper manuscripts in the context of their interactions with the Portuguese. 

Access our Database on African and Asian documentation in the Portuguese empire.  

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African written documentation produced and archived by the Angolan Ndembu chiefdoms since the 17th century
Ndembu Archives
An extensive collection of documents from rural community villages in Goa since the 16th century
Book of Communities
A galaxy of Portuguese-language records preserved by Timorese lineages and kingdoms (reinos) since the 17th century
Archives of Reinos
African requests for the status of assimilado in 20th century Mozambique
'Assimilation' Records
Luso-African papers produced and kept by Portuguese trader Silva Porto in hinterland Angola in the 1800s
Silva Porto Papers

This project is funded by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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