Transnational Isolates: Portuguese Colonial Race Science and the Foreign World
Ricardo Roque, 2022 This article examines scientific transnationalism as an art of engagement with, and avoidance of, the threats and promises of what was foreign
Ricardo Roque, 2022 This article examines scientific transnationalism as an art of engagement with, and avoidance of, the threats and promises of what was foreign
Ricardo Roque, 2022. This article explores the shared histories of blood groups, racial conceptions, and linguistics in the late twentieth-century Portuguese colonial science of anthropobiology
Ricardo Roque, 2022. Open Access. This article analyzes colonial investigations of the indigenous polities designated as reinos (kingdoms) in East Timor during the long nineteenth
Ricardo Roque, 2022. Open Access. Neste artigo, experimento uma reflexão autobiográfica sobre a prática e o método da etnografia de/no arquivo. Recorrendo à metáfora da
Matheus Serva Pereira e Priscila Dorella. 2022. Dossiê especial organizado por Matheus Serva Pereira (ICS-ULisboa) e Priscila Dorella (Universidade Federal de Viçosa). Como os organizadores
Ricardo Roque (Ed.). 2022. A antropologia e o colonialismo português têm um passado em comum. Durante o século XX, os chamados «povos indígenas» da Ásia
Ricardo Roque. 2020. In this chapter I explore the indigenous incorporation and critique of colonial outsiders through nicknaming. I draw on the history of colonial
Matheus Serva Pereira, 2020. Open access. The word “batuques” (drums) has a multiple history. In general, until today, it is used to name different musical
Ricardo Roque and Lúcio Sousa, 2020. Open Access. O presente artigo investiga as histórias cruzadas do conhecimento arqueológico, da autoridade científica e da autoridade indígena,
Catarina Madeira Santos. 2019. Open Access. The African societies that belonged to what is now the nation‑state of Angola were not used to writing with
Matheus Serva Pereira, 2019. Open Access. During the first half of the twentieth century, the colonial Portuguese regime unified different musical and dance practices of
Ricardo Roque, Elizabeth Traube (eds), 2019. The key question for many anthropologists and historians today is not whether to cross the boundary between their disciplines,
Ricardo Roque, Elizabeth Traube (eds), 2019. The key question for many anthropologists and historians today is not whether to cross the boundary between their disciplines,
Ricardo Roque, 2019. The key question for many anthropologists and historians today is not whether to cross the boundary between their disciplines, but whether the
Ricardo Roque and Lúcio Sousa, 2019. This chapter explores archaeological knowledge, scientific authority, and indigenous power at the crossroads of colonial interactions mediated by East
Nuno Domingos, Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo, Ricardo Roque (eds), 2019. This volume offers a critical re-examination of colonial and anti-colonial resistance imageries and practices in imperial
Nuno Domingos, Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo, Ricardo Roque (eds), 2019. Palgrave Macmillan Full citation: N. Domingos, M . B. Jerónimo e R. Roque, “Rethinking Resistance and
Ricardo Roque, 2019. Open Access. In this paper I discuss the history of colonial collections through a focus on the social life of a set
Ricardo Roque, 2019. This essay examines how anthropogeographical conceptions become materialized in place names inscribed on human remains. With respect to a type of headhunting
Thiago Sapede, 2018. Open Access. Cet article examine des connexions du royaume du Kongo avec le «monde» au travers du commerce, des missions et des
Thiago Sapede, 2012. The objective of this work is to discuss the importance of the Catholicism in 18th century Kingdom of Kongo political system. We
Ana Paula Tavares, Catarina Madeira Santos (eds), 2002. Full citation: Africae monumenta: a apropriação da escrita pelos africanos, edição, introdução, glossário e textos por Ana
Matheus Serva Pereira and Priscila Dorella (UFV) published the essay “A Associação dos Músicos de Moçambique (AMMO) como zona libertada” at BUALA. In this essay, they
Matheus Serva Pereira and Priscila Dorella (UFV) published the essay “Caminhar pelas ruas de Maputo é encontrar um futuro do passado” at BUALA. In this essay,
Ricardo Roque, 2019. Os historiadores estão habituados a analisar a ação dos europeus em África, e a sua relação com as sociedades locais, a partir
Catarina Madeira Santos, 2019. Porquê contar a relação da África com a Escrita, através do bastão do [rei] Dembo Kakulu Kakahenda (Angola) e não através