‘From 1498 to Magellan, Memories & Archives’

Public lecture by Angela Barreto Xavier at Camões-Centro de Lingua Portuguesa Building, Ferry point down Campal promenade, Panaji, India. July 23, 2019. 6.30pm.

Ângela’s lecture will cover such questions as relevance of the voyages of Vasco da Gama and Fernão de Magalhaes, their memory and archives constructed, as also relevance of nationality when the trips took place. Concentrating on the period between 1497 (beginning of Vasco da Gama trip) to 1522 (end of Magellan trip) Angela Barreto Xavier’s will unravel perceptions of maritime expansion of Iberians and their overseas territories over two decades. A talk not to be missed by colonial history buffs! Plus, Prof Xavier is also conducting the course PRO 127 `The Government of Difference in the Portuguese Empire (15th-18thcenturies) as a one credit course for post-graduate students which is also open to the general public. Admission online is available on the website of Goa University.

Angela was a visiting professor of Cunha Rivara Chair at Goa University.

This project is funded by FCT (PTDC/HAR- HIS/28577/2017)

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